

Alaska is a U.S. state in the northwest extremity of the United States West Coast, just across the Bering Strait from Asia.

Northern Edge 23-1

Northern Edge is a huge joint exercise taking place in Alaska from 4 till 19 may. It’s a combined exercise with all US forces joining and for the first time some allies (UK and Australia) attend as well. What makes this edition exiting is the participation of the “retired” F-117 Nighthawk.

Alaska 2015

Thirteen years after our first visit we headed back to the upper most state of the US. In one week we would visit Alaska’s two biggest cities and biggest airports. What changed during the last decade? you wouldn’t be surprised, not very much, thankfully.

Alaska 2002

Our journey started on the 25th of May, when eight photographers gathered on Schiphol airport, Amsterdam. The first stage of this trip to Minneapolis-St. Paul airport (MN) took about eight hours. After six hours we reached our first goal for this trip, Anchorage Ted Stevens International airport, Alaska. This trip would be a unique experiment, combining lot's of airfields, civil, military and a visit to Denali National park. Hightlight of this trip, a flight in a DHC-2 Beaver Floatplain, destination: a lake in the middle of nowhere.