Hermeskeil Aviation Museum officially named Flugausstellung Leo and Peter Junior, has the biggest privately owned collections of military and civil aircraft in Germany. The collection with over 100 aircraft on display has some unique aircraft from the Cold War age. Lots of former East German military aircraft are on display but also Germany’s military allies during that period.
The museum is located in Hermeskeil, near the Reinfeld exit of Autobahn 1. Its open from April to October. First opened in 1973 the museum covered an area of 3600 square meters, nowadays that has grown to 76000 square meters. Three building house the inside displays, the majority of aircraft is displayed outside.
The East German Air Force (GDR) aircraft on display moved to the museum as they got obsolete after the German reunification in 1990. Some of them are showing makeshift West German serials as they were included in the reunified air force. This didn’t last long, as most of them weren’t compatible with NATO standards.
Concorde F-WTSA
First aircraft you notice arriving at the museum is a Concord with registration F-WTSA. This aircraft is a wooden replica of the actual F-WTSA pre-production aircraft. looking closely it shows by the larger hull, these because the aircraft acts as the museum’s cafe. Rumour has it that the mockup was build by Leo and Peter themselves.

133393, T-33

618, Mi-14

XF418, Hunter

XZ221/Z, Lynx

1217, MiG-21

24+08, MiG-21
Antonov An-26
The Antonov 26 on display is quite a mystery. We know that it a former East German Air Force aircraft, after the unification registered 52+08. it used to have a civil registration DDR-SBB and served with the GDR 24 Transport Squadron. The mystery is the colour scheme now visible in the museum. According to Aerotransport Database this isn’t a make up colour scheme, in fact its former Cuban AeroCaribbean which is a reference to the past of this aircraft. During its career as Interflug DDR-SBB the aircraft served in Angola and possibly Mozambique. In Angola it served together with AeroCaribbean An-26s send by Fidel Castro.

413, Lim-5

D-IFMP, Do-28

D-ACUT, N-2501

XN782/H, Lightning

XN782/H, Lightning

XN782/H, Lightning

G-BDIW, DH-106

63-7583, F-4

20+43, F-104

DDR-SCK, Tu-134

G-BDIW, DH-106

D-ANAM, V.814
Vickers 814
The Viscount of display D-ANAM is now shown again in it’s former Lufthansa glory. For long it was painted in Belgian Air Force colours, but now is fully restored to its former schema as it entered Lufthansa in 1959. The aircraft was withdrawn from service in 1970 when it was stored at Hamburg airport and used for training. It was moved to the museum in 1976.

37974/64, AJSF37

XZ998, Harrier

G1-FL, C211

RA-21133, Mi-6

54+24, Pembroke

XJ348/37, Sea Devon

402, Mi-9

MT-31, CM170

XE327/LH-644, Sea Hawk

09, Su-7

96+50, Mi-24

111, C-47
Jordanian Air Force C-47
This aircraft was delivered in 1944 as 42-100997 to the US Army Air Force. It participated during D-Day and was stored at Davis-Monthan after the war. In 1964 it was taken out of storage and moved to Florida wager it was refurbished before delivery to Jordan under the US Military Assistance Program. It unclear when it was pulled out of service, but the aircraft was civil registered at N62443 in 1975. In 1976 the registration was cancelled and the aircraft is on display from 1981 as former real Jordanian registration 111.

56-1125, F-102

3076, Il-14

678, Su-22

343, MiG-23

XL450/R-042, Gannett

09, Su-7

DDR-SCK, Tu-134

G-BDIW, DH-106

BF+105, F-84

5-257, G.91

JC+101, CL-13

XM264, Canberra

20+01, MiG-23

EA+241, RF-84

XX948/P, Tornado
Tornado P.06
Another unique aircraft is the sixth Tornado prototype, known as aircraft P.06. It was registered with the RAF as XX948 and had numerous modifications including a slimmer rear fuselage. The aircraft was delivered in RAF camouflage on 20 December 1975. It was the first airframe fitted with the Mauser 27mm cannon. This aircraft was used for weapon testing and was demonstrated at the Farnborough air show.

54+21, Pembroke

XX476/CU-561, Jetstream

83+21, H-21

853, MiG-21

35931/60, S35

63-7421/SA, F-4

13-PL, Mirage 5

173/12-YP, Super Mystere

173/12-YP, Super Mystere
Lockheed L.1049G D-ALIN
One of the stars in the collection is the former Lufthansa Constellation D-ALIN, which was retired on 10 July 1967. It joined Lufthansa in 1955 and was saved from demolition by Lufthansa employees. The aircraft was on display at Flughafen Hamburg before it moved to Hermeskeil in 1980.

DDR-STH, Il-18

68-0587/SW, RF-4

909, Mi-8

XX955/GK, Jaguar

62-4417, F-105

2139, Mi-4

XR527/K, Wessex

DDR-STH, Il-18

304/33-TN, Mirage III
United Arab Emirates VC-10
G-ARVF started its career with BOAC in 1963. It was used on several routes to Africa before it was faced out in 1974, with the introduction of the Boeing 747. By that time BOAC was also incorporated in British Airways. It was sold to the Government of the United Arab Emirates for 690.000 pounds. In spring 1981 the aircraft was retired and flown from Abu Dhabi to Saarbrucken-Ensheim and moved by road to Hermeskeil. The registration stayed current until 11 April 1983, some two years later!



Inside exhibition

56-3944, TF-100

J-4098, Hunter


HA-ANA, An-2

XD186, Whirlwind

28+30, L-39

D-HFUM, Br.171

031, SM-1

D-HZPO, Mi-2

C-541, C-3605

99+16, OV-10

301 red, MiG-15

D-HZPS, Ka-26

Farner Werke C-3605
Inside one of the display buildings is another rare aircraft, suspended from the ceiling. The Farner Werke C-3605, nicknamed Schlepp (“Tug”) is a one of a kind aircraft designed a a target towing aircraft for the Swiss Air Force. The C-3605 is a converted EKW C-3604 with a new turboprop fitted. The aircraft was retired from service in 1987.
Serial |
Type |
Air Force / Airline |
Notes |
“F-WTSA” | Concorde | | Fake, wooden mockup, other side code “G-SST” |
304 / 33-TN | Mirage IIIR | French Air Force | |
“133393” | T-33A | Royal Canadian Air Force | Fake, was German Air Force 95+17 |
618 | Mi-14PS | East German Navy | |
XF418 | Hunter F.6A | Royal Air Force | |
XR527 / K | Wessex HC2 | Royal Air Force | |
2139 | Mi-4 | Polish Air Force | Serial not visible |
XX948 / P | Tornado | Royal Air Force | Prototype cn. 6 |
XZ221 / Z | Lynx AH7 | Royal Air Force | |
XX955 / GK | Jaguar GR1A | Royal Air Force | |
62-4417 | F-105F | USAF | |
(52+08) | AN-26 | Aero Caribbean | ex. DDR-SBB |
1217 | MiG-21F | Czech Air Force | |
24+08 | MiG-21US | German Air Force | ex. 238 East German Air Force |
G-ARVF | Vickers VC-10 | United Arab Emirates | |
678 | Su-22M4 | East German Air Force | (25+16) |
413 | Lim-5 | Polish Air Force | Polish build MiG-17 |
DDR-SCK | Tu-134 | Interflug | |
96+50 | Mi-24P | German Air Force | |
D-IFMP | Do-28D2 | DLR Flugbetriebe | |
D-ANAM | Vickers V.814 Viscount | Lufthansa | Previously in BAF c/s |
RA-21133 | Mi-6A | Aeroflot | |
D-ACUT | Nord N-2501D | Elbeflug - EFL | ex. 52+56 |
“G1-FL” | Casa C211 | Luftwaffe | Really former Spanish Air Force BR.21-14 |
“G-BDIW” | DH-106 Comet 4C | Dan-Air London | Former RAF XR398 |
111 | C-47A | Royal Jordanian Air Force | ex. 42-100977 |
XN782 / H | Lightning F2A | Royal Air Force | |
20+43 | F-104G | German Air Force | |
63-7583 | F-4C | USAF | Michigan ANG |
XZ998 | Harrier GR3 | Royal Air Force | |
37974 / 64 | AJSF37 | Swedish Air Force | F21 markings. Previously in storage with Danish Air Force |
(54+24) | Pembroke | | in RAF c/s |
XJ348 / 37 | Sea Devon | Royal Navy | |
91+90 | P.149D | German Air Force | no prop |
402 | Mi-9 | East German Air Force | (93+95) |
3076 | Il-14P | Polish Air Force | |
D-ESSJ | Let Z37 | | |
“MT-31” | CM170R | Belgium Air Force | Half BAF MT-43 and FAF 410 |
XE327 / LH-644 | Sea Hawk FGA6 | Royal Navy | |
09 | Su-7BM | Polish Air Force | |
56-1125 | F-102A | USAF | |
343 | MiG-23ML | East German Air Force | (20+19) |
“5-257” | G.91R | Italian Air Force | Fake, really ex. 31+70 |
XL450 / R-042 | Gannett AEW3 | Royal Navy | |
BF+105 | F-84F-45 | German Air Force | 52-6778 |
JC+101 | CL-13B Mk6 | German Air Force | |
XM264 | Canberra B(I)8 | Royal Air Force | |
54+21 | Pembroke C54 | German Air Force | |
XX476 / CU-561 | Jetstream T2 | Royal Navy | |
(83+21) | H-21C | German Army | White c/s, no markings |
35931 / 60 | S35E | Swedish Air Force | F21 markings. Previously in storage with Danish Air Force |
853 | MiG-21bis | East German Air Force | (24+24) |
63-7421 / SA | F-4C-16 | USAF | 182nd TFS ANG tail fin |
909 | Mi-8T | East German Air Force | (94+20) |
“13-PL” | Mirage 5BA | French Air Force french | C/s and fake registration. Is in fact BAF BA-35 |
173 / 12-YP | Super Mystere B2 | French Air Force | |
FX-60 | F-104G | Belgium Air Force | |
20+01 | MiG-23MF | German Air Force | ex. DDR 568 |
“EA+241” | RF-84F-25 | German Air Force | Fake registration. Really EB+341 |
D-ALIN | L1049G | Lufthansa | |
DDR-STH | Il-18 | Interflug | |
68-0587 / SW | RF-4C | USAF | 16th TRS markings |
XR670 / 64 | Jet Provost T4 | Royal Air Force | In parts |
Serial |
Type |
Air Force / Airline |
Notes |
“56-3944” | TF-100F | USAF | ex FAF 56-4014/11-YR with F-100D 54-2136 tail. |
D-HBZV | UH-1D | Bundesgrenzschutz | (72+31) |
698 | MiG-23BN | East German Air Force | (20+46) |
XS569 | Wasp HAS1 | Royal Navy | |
J-4098 | Hunter F.58 | Swiss Air Force | |
40+6 | Alpha Jet A | German Air Force | |
XT670 | Wessex HC2 | Royal Navy | |
| SE.3130 | | |
(87+08) | Bo105P | German Army | |
HA-ANA | An-2 | | |
(D-HMUY) | Bo105C | Katastrophenschutz | only forward section |
99+16 | OV-10B | German Air Force | |
XD186 | Whirlwind HAR10 | Royal Air Force | |
C-541 | F+W C-3605 | Swiss Air Force | Rebuild C-3603 |
94+39 | T-33A | German Air Force | Forward section only |
28+30 | L-39ZO | German Air Force | ex. DDR 180 |
V-248 | SA.316B | Swiss Air Force | |
031 | SM-1 | Hungarian Air Force | Polish build Mi-1 |
D-HZPO | Mi-2 | Polizei | |
301 red | MiG-15UTI | “Russian Air Force” | Polish Air Force |
D-HZPS | Ka-26 | Polizei | |
(D-CIAD) | CASA-352L | | |
“KG+EM” | BF108 | Luftwaffe | |
D-EFSV | Do-27A | | |
D-HFUM | Br.171 Sycamore Mk.3 | | |
D-FDEM | AT-6 | | |
J-1797 | Venom FB54 | Swiss Air Force | |
(24+91) | F-104G | German Air Force | Bare metal |
Other parts like cockpit sections not noted.
In storage yard:
(DD+380) F-84F-25 German Air Force
XR597 Scout AH1 Royal Army
22+36 MiG-21SPS German Air Force. Ex. DDR 889
(26+61) F-104G German Air Force