Trip Reports
Alaska 2002
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Day 3, Thusday May 28th
This day would probability be the absolute highlight of our trip. Our chance to see the "real Alaska". What better way than to do this with a Beaver floatplane. We headed to Trail Ridge Air, based at Lake Hood SPB. We started from Lake Hood with two DHC-2' beavers heading west. The scenery changed quickly. After a swamp river delta west of Anchorage our flight continued into the mountains where the scenery changed to winter with lots of snow and ice. Between the mountains we made some Beaver air-to-air shots, great! After flying around a glassier we made a water landing at Beluga lake, which can't be reached by road. After landing, we hiked along the shore of the lake. Later when light rain started we went back to Anchorage.
On our way back we flew over Mt Sustna (4396ft), which took a lot of the beavers engine. Before landing on Lake Hood we made our second water landing on Big Lake. The pilot wanted to show us how the Alaskans life in the weekends. Great houses on the lakebed and a floatplane garage next to it.
This flight was an great experience, 2 and a half hours of flying and our first wildlife spotting, including moose, beluga dolphins and bears!
Day 4, Wednesday May 29th
Our first big move, a trip of 450 miles by car to Fairbanks, the second major city of Alaska. We took the long way, the famous Glenn Highway and Richardson Highway. A great scenic route with beautiful views traveling trough the Alaska Range. On our route we saw lots of small airstrips with not much to see.
Day 5, Thursday May 30th, Fairbanks
A busy day with several fields, not all worth mentioning, around Fairbanks. Our first attempt to visit US Army base Fort Wainwright was not a success, we weren't allowed to access the base to visit the fire bombers also present on this base.
We decided to head back to Fairbanks IAP. Lots of great propliners on this airport including 21 DC-6', 6 Commanders, 4 DC-4's, several convaires, Dakota's and a DC-7! We visited several companies flying the aircraft mentioned above.

N7780B DC-6A

N9767Y C-131F ('141005')

N8504Z C-119L

N3047V C-118A

N2034L C-131

C-1A N27PH ('136791/RZ')
In the afternoon we were surprised with a KC-97 inbound to Fort Wainwrigth. Attempt two to access the base was successful, thanks to the change of guards. We visited BLM Aviaton, home of the smoke jumpers, normally using a C212 an a Do228.
Due to fires in the Fairbanks neighborhood, there were two Privateers firebombers, a Neptune (not in service) and the KC-97, one of two still flying aircraft of this type worldwide! We made great pictures of the bombers in action and went inside after there last drop of the day. The second highlight of this trip.

N1386K P-2E

N9767Y C-131F ('141005')
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