Special Reports

Dutch F-16 Delivery to Chile, Part 2

By Frits Jongerman, Pieter Plomp | April 2007
6 F-16AM/BM’s left the Netherlands for their new home.

On Thursday April 5th another 6 F-16AM / BM’s left the Netherlands for their new home base in Chili. They will be stationed at Cerro Moreno Air Base with Grupo No.8

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Departure: Twenthe AB, Netherlands

Batch Grupo 8 At 10:17 local time the launch started with the departure of the J-137, followed by J- 878, J- 139, J-649, J-652 and finally J-205. They left under callsign “NAF (Netherlands Air Force) 81-86 with destination Gando.

Above Volkel the first 6 F-16’s made their rendezvous with KDC-10 “NAF49”T-235.

At 10:35 two spares also left Twenthe Air Base; F-16AM J-360 and F-16BM J-655 (“NAF 87 and 88”).The two spares will come back next Tuesday. They will also fly to Gando via Monte Real Air Base

In June the last batch of 6 F-16’s will leave for Chili. The first batch left Twenthe Air Base on Monday September 4th 2006 (first formation with J-657, J-141, J-885, J-656 and second formation with J-652 [spare], J-194, J-139 [spare] and J-633). Both spares arrived Wednesday september 6th on Twenthe AB. Both spares were delivered this time.












The Vipers delivered this time were in standard RnethAF camo and markings (no one carried squadronmarkings). They will be repainted in Chili. Also the last batch will be delivered in standard camo and markings.

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Gostar den Daas
23 apr 2007 09:29
The Chilean Air Force (FACH) incorporated eight new F-16 fighter jets into its military fleet stationed in the northern part of the country, according to a report published today in the online edition of the Chilean newspaper "La Tercera". Six of those airships were permanently assigned to air group No. 8 of the 5th Aerial Brigade stationed in Antofagasta, a city located 1,350 kilometers north of Santiago of Chile. The other two were stationed in Iquique, 500 kilometers further north. The arrival of the F-16's is part of a special renovation plan of the Chilean military fleet. In fact, the 5th Aerial Brigade of Antofagasta is counting on stationing 18 new supersonic aircrafts by the end of 2007. Most of these fighter jets underwent the MLU (mid-life upgrade) in Holland with improved avionics. source: Wolfy Becker