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This year’s Royal International Air Tattoo at RAF Fairford celebrated the USAF 70th anniversary. Stars of the show The Thunderbirds, with a special surprise on Sunday. Aviamagazine was present on Sunday, the last show day, and departure on Monday.
Every year at RIAT we see a large variety of aircraft on the static, and this year was no other. Quality was high with a Ukraine delegation (Il76 and Su27s), an Australian E-7 Wedgetail, Israeli C-130, Greek Phantoms and the Japanese KC-767 was back. Also the new RAF Phenom and Texan trainers were shown. Great to see Tornado Desert Storm ZG750 on the static, just days before its retirement.
After many year the US brought a B-52 and B-1 for static display, and of course the scarily seen U-2 spy plane.

09-4180 / FF, F-22

NL357FG, P-51

-, F-16

54+06, A400

ZM509 / 09, Juno

ZJ265 / 65, Squirrel

ZM401, Atlas

667, C-130

ZF378 / 378, Tucano

ZK021 / L, Hawk

XX191 / CC, Hawk

ZG750 / 128, Tornado

ZG750 / 128, Tornado

ZG750/ 128, Tornado

267, PC-9

1017, M-28

ZE416, A109

QQ102, BAe146

L4-01, L-410

A6-RJC, DB-700

01618, F-4

01508, F-4

01508, F-4

N2824B, T-6


N531TA, E530

ZJ950, Typhoon

60-0022 / LA, B-52

A30-006, E-7

A30-006, E-7

E42 / 705-TA, Alpha Jet

E115 / 705-MR, Alpha Jet

91-0412 / SP, F-16

90-0813 / SP, F-16

58-0100 / D, KC-135

168440 / 440, P-8

84-0027 / LN, F-15

91-0335 / LN, F-15

86-0156 / LN , F-15

86-0156 / LN, F-15


85-0060 / EL, B-1

85-0060 / EL, B-1

80-1073 / BB, U-2

80-1073 / BB, U-2

80-1073 / BB, U-2

80-1073 / BB, U-2

ZZ520, Wildcat

ZJ208, Apache

11-5731, MC-130

09-9212, C-17

84-0126, C-21

11-0057, CV-22

CC-3, C295



ZZ503, Avenger

ZJ136 / U, Merlin

XX205 / CU-846, Hawk

NH-218, NH90

89+70, Sea King

347, C-130

87-3601, KC-767

213 / MAJ, C-130

78820, Il-76

78820, Il-76

71 Blue, Su-27

71 Blue, Su-27

71 Blue, Su-27

89-26212 / LN, HH-60

4153 / 153, C-130

J-362, F-16

30+26, EF2000

FA-132, F-16

147304, CH-147

1135 / Blue E, J105

6053, L-159

177703, CC-177

G-273, C-130

C-080, CL-604
In part 2 we look into the airshow, with impressive demo’s of the F-22, Thunderbirds and Ukraines Su-27.
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