Exercise reports
Nato Tiger Meet 2009

Spottersday Friday 18th

At 08:00 the gates were opened. The weather was really perfect; no clouds and blue sky and nice temperature. In previous years all the participants were parked at the parallel runway but this year only the special painted aircraft and the helo’s. During the afternoon some arrivals for the Sanicole Open House (the weekend from 20-21 September) came in and on Thursday 17th Patrouille Suisse arrived with their F-5E Tiger II’s. Some warbirds like a B-25, P-38, P-51D and F4 Corsair arrived.

Two missions were flown; one in the morning and one in the afternoon. The large formation with all the tiger aircraft/participants was very nice. The make two passes over the field.

Visitors on the 18th

Serial Type Unit
J-3082, 83, 84, 85, 88, 90, 91F-5EPatrouille Suisse
E38/314-LHAlpha Jet EEAC 00.314
E83/314-TZAlpha Jet EEAC 00.314
E97/102-MBAlpha Jet EEC 05.002
95/XHTBM-700ECE 05.330
OE-EAS/RBF-4U4Red Bull arr (ex. BuNo 96995)
ZK453/MBe.20045 [R] Sqn/RAF arr
T-784Ce.560Swiss AF arr/dep
N25YP-38LRed Bull arr (ex. 44-53254)
N6123CB-25JRed Bull arr (ex. 44-86893)
L33/OO-VIWPiper CubPrivate; arr; painted as ‘Belgian AF L-33‘
N-294Hunter F.6ADutch Hawker Hunter Foundation * (ex. XF515/G-KAXF)

F-16AM: FA-70, 77, 86, 106, 107, 123, 124, 127/FS (2 Wing), 128, 131 (demo c/s)
F-16BM: FB-15, 18 (spec mks)

The near future

Plans are to organize the Nato Tiger Meet 2010 at Volkel AB, The Netherlands (313 Tiger Squadron) and the anniversary Tiger Meet will be at Cambrai AB in 2011.

Anniversary book ’50 years NATO Tigers 1961-2011’

A anniversary book ’50 years NATO Tigers 1961-2011’ will be published. Within the book, you’ll find expanded histories of the annual meets, including some famous mini-meets; previously unpublished photos; stories from crewmembers; scenarios; the Tiger Meet of The Americas and of course a lot of (tiger-)pictures. A must have for all the Tiger fans! This 400 page, limited edition, hard back book, will be published in Spring 2011. It will retail for between 40 and 50 Euros. For more information on where to purchase (several air shows in 2011) or how to order online, will be entered on the Nato Tiger Association website (www.natotigers.org). To insure you’ll get a copy, pre-orders will also be possible from mid 2010 on.

We like to thanks Adjudant-Chef Peter Dewael from COMOPSAIR for his help and of course the staff of 10 Wing Kleine Brogel AB.

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