May 21 and 22, the annual Flugtage (open house) was held at Dusseldorf-Regional (Weeze) Airport, former Royal Air Force Base Laarbruch, Germany. This would be my first visit to this airfield in ten years time, curious to see how much was changed the last couple of years.
After arriving at the airport around half past ten, we headed for our main goal: the two preserved F-104G`s; the KG 101 and the former BAF 10 Wing FX-52 (with the tail of the FX-02 with 10 Wing badge). Both one o fours have their own story. The KG 101 was the first F-104G built by Fokker (Netherlands) and it has only flew around 73 hours! The KG 101 is the former DA+235 (JBG-31), BF+245 (Kaufbeuren) and 23+27 (also Kaufbeuren). This F-104G looks very nice and compliments to the owners, Ton vd Zeeuw and Roger Seroo. The wings are from the 21+48 and KG-116 (crashed in 1966) and the ejection seat came from the German Navy F-104G 22+82.
The FX-52 arrived this year and this F-104 is a former tiger aircraft from the famous 31 Smaldeel (Squadron) based at Kleine Brogel AB, Belgium. This F-104G will be repainted in his tiger colours. At the end of this year the restoration should be completed. I can`t wait to see this.
At the shelterarea we photographed a Dutch 131 EMVO Squadron PC-7, JBG-31 Tornado IDS (in new grey colours like the ECR versions). Some static aircraft were parked just before a HAS and we were allowed to photograph them from the hill, very nice! A line with helicopters: UH-1D from LTG-61, Bo-105P in tiger camo (very nice painting), Lynx Mk.88A MFG-3, P-149D (former German Air Force). Also a MFG-3 Atlantic and a LTG-61 C-160D Transall were on the static and we managed to photograph these without people around. The Royal Air Force was also present with one Hawk T.1A from 100 Sqn, Jaquar T.4 from 41 (F) Sqn, and Harrier Gr.7 from No. 3 Sqn. The German F-4F was not present but you can`t have everything.
The crews of the visiting aircraft were very kind to help us with removal of barriers etc. so we could take good pictures.
Besides modern stuff, also old planes were seen; DC-3 from the Dutch Dakota Association, 4 YAK-52`s, 2 Harvards, B-25 Mitchell from the `Duke of Brabant` and some civilian aircraft like the Boeing 737`s from Ryanair, An-2 and Bo-105.
No fighters were airborne during the airshow due to noise regulations. Niederrhein has a difficult time to stay open and lot´s of jet noise on this day wouldn`t help. In all, it was a very nice day and we like to thank the organisation and the crew of the visiting aircraft.

43+32, Tornado

61+11, Br.1150

61+11, Br.1150

70+51, UH-1

83+02, Super Lynx

86+55, Bo 105

86+55, Bo 105

D-HMUG, Bo-105

FX-52, F-104

G-BWTG, Chipmunk

KG 101, F-104

XX222 / CI, Hawk

XX838 / FZ, Jaguar

XX838 / FZ, Jaguar

XX838 / FZ, Jaguar

ZD466 / 56, Harrier

50+69, C-160

71+74, UH-1



PH-PSI, P-51


XX838 / FZ, Jaguar

ZD466 / 56, Harrier
43+32 |
Tornado IDS |
JBG 31 |
grey/grey c/s |
86+55 |
Bo-105P1 |
VAS-300 |
tiger camo |
70+51 |
UH-1D |
LTG-61 |
SAR markings |
83+02 |
Lynx Mk.88A |
MFG-3 |
61+11 |
BR-1150 |
MFG-3 |
50+69 |
C-160D |
LTG-61 |
L-12 |
PC-7 |
131 (EMVO) Sqn. |
XX222/CI |
Hawk T.1A |
100 Sqn |
black c/s |
XX838/FZ |
Jaguar T.4 |
41 Sqn |
grey c/s ;demo 2005 mks |
ZD466/56 |
Harrier GR.7 |
3 Sqn |
grey c/s; yel/gn flash |
WB671/910 |
Chipmunk T.10 |
ex.RAF |
FX-52 |
F104G |
ex. BAF |
tail FX-02; 10 Wing badge |
KG 101 |
F-104G |
ex. GAF |
alim c/s |
P-149D |
civilian |
ex.GAF 91+77 |
Yak-52 |
civilian |
black c/s |
RA-1428K |
Yak-52 |
civilian |
red/white c/s |
RA-3326K |
Yak-52 |
civilian |
camo; USSR markings |
RA-3085K |
Yak-52 |
civilian |
red/yellow cs |
Harvard |
civilian |
grey/blue c/s `USAF`titels |
232511 |
B-25J |
Duke of Brabant |
Bo-105 |
Rhein Ruhr Helicopters |
16544/FY |
AT-6A |
civilian |
ex.USAAF 41-16544; N13FY |
Extra 300L |
World Aerobatic Promotion |
C.525 |
Jet Netherlands |
DC-3 |
Martin`s Air Charter |
(owned by DDA) |
N9912H |
Boeing N2S-3 |
Civilian |
BuNo 07609 |
SF-260 |
Civilian |
as Belgian Air Force `ST-26` c/s |
An-2 |
Classic Wings |
B737 |
Ryanair |
B737 |
Ryanair |
B737 |
Ryanair |