To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the E-3A component, the NATO organized a open house at there Main Operating Base (MOB) located at Geilenkirchen, Germany. We visited the base on Sunday 17th of June 2007 with beautiful weather and perfect photo cloud formations.
Heightened security measures were in place for entering the base, but fortunately with enough checkpoints to limit the wait. There was no airshow, only a static display with some interesting visitors.
Highlights included a Swedish AF S100 (awacs), two Hungarian JAS-39 Gripens. Greek C-27 and two A-7’s. Also a Polish Fitter was present. Besides the anniversary E-3 from the NATO with it’s stunning color schema, England send there Sentry and France there E-3F.
Nice element of the open house was the Nations Corner. All NATO partners, 16 in all, presented there nations traditional food and beverages. Eat and drink till you drop!

N6123C, B-25

N996DM, DC-6

77-0299, F-4

81-0963 / SP, A-10

60-0059 / LA, B-52

T.21-05 / 35-43, C-295

2427 / CZY, AS532

100003 / 003, S100

60+03, P-3

30, JAS39

407, An-26

45+57, Tornado

LX-N90443, E-3

LX-N90443, E-3

MM7006 / 6-31, Tornado

J-5237, F/A-18

CE.15-6 / 15-75, EF-18

4122, C-27

38+55, F-4

158825, A-7

160560, A-7

ST-34, SF.260

299, F-16

304, F-16


ZH103 / 03, Sentry

204 / 36-CD, E-3

57-1499, KC-135

LX-N20199, CT-49

508, Su-22