Embedding the widget into your site is easy. First load jquery, if you haven't allready done so. The widget required jquery to run. Second load the aviamagazine widget file from the head section of your page.
In the example code below, jquery version 2 is used, but the widget is also compatible with version 1 and 3.
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.2.4.js"></script>
<script src="https://aviamagazine.com/system/js/jquery.aviamagazine.widget.js"></script>
Next step is to include the container element. This div will be injected with the widget code, and should be in the position where you want the widget to be rendered. It can have any id or class as long as you refer to it in the initialize function.
<div id="amwidget"></div>
Last step is to initialize the widget. Include a script block, ideally at the end of your page, and call the aviamagazine method with your selector. An example initialize function looks like this:
$(document).ready(function() {
The selector #amwidget in this case refers to the element you want to use, to render the widget. No options are provided in the method, so the widget will render in default mode. The document ready function is to ensure the page is loaded, before the widget is started. It's not mandatory, but a safe way to ensure the widget is rendered.